Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Papa Murphys has coupon cards with several discounts on it. We will be selling them for $6.00 and your profit is $5.00!!!!! Super great right?  If  you sold between 10-15 you would pretty much have one costume paid for! This is a great opportunity for your daughter to earn some money for dance. This is how it is going to work.

Step 1: email Jamie Andersen @ jmeandersen@hotmail.com  and let her know how many coupons you want to sell. This needs to be done by next Monday September 24th.

Step 2: Pick the coupons up from Jamie @ the studio on Tuesday the 25th from 5:00-6:00 or Wednesday the 26th from 5:00-6:00 Please hand your check or cash directly to her. Do NOT put it in the drop box. Example: If you think you can sell 30 coupons you give her $30.00

Step 3: Sale your coupons to anyone and everyone. Have them right checks directly to you for $6.00 so you make back your $1.00 you paid for them. Then once you are done selling you can right one big check to EDC for $5.00 per each coupon sold and we will add it to your account! I know people will ask if they can just put ALL the money ($6.00) they make on their account? So the answer is yes whatever your heart desires! There obviously will not be an exact date to have your money turned in but I would not wait to long to get it done.

If you have any questions feel free to call me 801-367-6494 or email Jamie!

A big THANK YOU to Jamie Andersen for doing this for us!

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