Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We are excited to announce our new Company program for this upcoming year. We have had a lot of you expressing interest in taking your dance training a little further.We will be offering 2-3 company teams for ages 8 and up. The younger groups will train 7-8 hours a week and the older would be 10-11 hours a week. This will allow for them to take ballet twice a week and a hip hop class. (There will be hip hop available to those who choose not to do companies.) I will not have the hours set until I see what our schedule will be. This will not mean more days of dance just longer hours in a day. Other requirements will be the following:
You must attend EPIC dance convention
Possible dance convention/competition or Nationals
2 ballet classes per week
4-5 routines
We will be having a meeting to determine all this once the teams are all placed.
cost per month would range from $145.00-$170.00 depending on the hours.

There will be a paper for you to fill out the day of tryouts. This will let us know that you are comfortable with committing to a Company if we feel that she is on the right skill level on the day of tryouts, or let us know that you are happy with the training and hours you have been getting. We do feel that the girls technique has been looking much better since we added that extra technique class last year. We are confident that whether you choose to do a company or stick with a team you will be satisfied and it will be another great year! If you want more information then please call Joni at 801-367-6494

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