Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Here are some of the things you should be expecting while being on a Competition team at EDC:

*Always be to class on time in the appropriate clothing. ( please do not miss class for birthday parties, shopping, tummy aches, head aches, etc) if you do need to miss please notify your teacher ahead of time.

*Tuition should be paid for by the first of each month. There will be a $20.00 fee on any returned checks. Feel free to pay extra each month to go towards costumes and entry fees. If for some reason you do fall behind on your tuition it must be paid before your costumes can be paid for and received and your daughter will not perform with unpaid balances.

*Please pick your kids up on time from dance class especially if your daughter is in the last class of the day. If we continue to have this problem we will need to start charging for our teachers time waiting for you.

*Please be watching for order forms this upcoming week for warm ups, practice outfits, shoes, etc. this will be the only order we place so you much order them now.

*There will be a $50.00 deposit on costumes due at the first of October and a $50.00 deposit for entry fees due at the first of November.

*New this year. Some of the competitions have raised there prices much higher but due to those raised prices you will NOT be charged at the door to watch competition. I will have prices to you asap.

*Competition Dates Friday night is Solo Duo and Trios and Team is on Saturday only!

March 25th and 26th Maple Mountain High School

April 1st and 2nd St. George

April 8th and 9th Spanish Fork High School

April 29th and 30th Juan Diego High School (draper)

*You can NOT miss dance the week of competition!!!!

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